What Is Wealthy Affiliate?


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Are you looking for a program to give you everything you need to start an online business?

Have you been looking for a group of like-minded people to help you along your journey?

Are you sick of all the “get-rich scams” out there?

Maybe you saw Wealthy Affiliate and are wondering what the heck it is.

You are in the right place if you answered yes to any of these questions.

The community and training courses we will discuss today are around Wealthy Affiliate.

As you are aware, there are many “get-rich scams” out there. They have been even more since the COVID pandemic.

Before spending money on any training course, you NEED to ensure you are not scammed.

You also want to make sure you get your money’s worth.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve purchased training only to be disappointed.

A few Assumptions (about you)

Since you are reading this, I assume you want to start a side hustle.

More than likely, you want to start your blog, website, or online business.

Maybe you have been searching Google for these topics and don’t know what to choose. During your search, you found this blog and want to find out more about the company of Wealthy Affiliate.

Rest assured, I was right there with you a few years ago.

There are so many questions in your head, and you don’t know what to do.

You will get all those questions answered, and if you still have more, feel free to contact me.

Let’s get started.
After all, that is why you are here.

What is Wealthy Affiliate, and is it worth it?

Overview of Wealthy Affiliate

To start, here is a quick overview of Wealthy Affiliate. Think of it as the cliffnote version of what is about to come.

Having this in mind, continue to read to find out more. But we are all busy people, and I don’t want you to feel you are wasting your time.

Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Website URL: www.wealthyaffiliate.com

Ratings: Training: 8 out of 10 and Support: 10 out of 10

Price: FREE Starter Member!
Premium Member $49/month (see below for more information)

As you can see from above, I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate for many reasons we will soon cover.

This is a great place to start if you want to start a website, want to learn (they have amazing training), become part of a fantastic community (of like-minded people), have the best hosting support I have seen, and many more reasons.


What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

To sum it up quickly, this is a community of like-minded people. Not only is it a supportive environment, but it’s full of training and education as well.

This is important because you want to learn about making money online, whether for a side hustle or a desire to quit your regular nine-to-five job.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t know how to do anything right now.

I signed up originally because it was free to try, and I liked how the training was arranged.

It left me wanting to learn more!

Not only that, but they created a great environment to learn, test ideas, and ask any question that comes to mind.

Many people don’t like asking questions, which is another reason I put my contact information at the top.

There are no stupid questions!

Everyone is at different places in their journey. What comes easy for some will take a while to learn for others.

I was impressed with the quick response when I started to ask questions. There were even times when I was directed to training inside Wealthy Affiliate, which provided step-by-step directions!

Because it was mentioned above, and if you are wondering, Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam. 

It’s the real deal, and you will learn a lot!

You get way more than you pay for, which has been worth every penny!

I’m here to tell you I have been part of this community for a while. It’s worth it. And to make it even better, you can sign up for free.

You read that right, and get a free site up and running in under a minute!

online payment

What Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

I mentioned this above, but yes, you can sign up and start right now For Free!

See for yourself that this is a fantastic opportunity that you have nothing to lose, and give it a try.

You will find out for yourself this free service is impeccable. After your free trial, you can choose from a few different packages if you want more.

And since you are here, keep reading to see some bonuses, too!

A quick side note: I’m excited to see you start, and I know you will learn a lot. If you enjoy that, I suggest checking out the premium, and I’ll have a review on that next week!


Best Site Support I Have Seen

What happens when you run into problems?

The perfect example is when your website is having issues.

Many companies will take a long time to respond, but not Wealthy Affiliate’s site support.

Before creating this website, I built one for my blog.

Needless to say, as I was messing with the backend settings, I lost everything. After panicking, I remembered there was site support.

I messaged the team, and within an hour, everything was back!

Since then, I’ve had to message them many times. If you build a website, you will run into issues.

Along with this amazing community training, you get the best support team I have ever seen.

The Best Community Support

Maybe you don’t want to bother Site Support, but you have questions (I still do to this day).

You should be thrilled that Wealthy Affiliate has a massive database just for this.

You can put your topic in the search and see what pops up.

Ask the community if you don’t see what you are looking for. Don’t be afraid. We all use this.

It’s still impressive to me how fast my questions are answered. Oftentimes, you will get a reply with a training link. That’s even better!

No questions will go unanswered when you combine the website support and this massive community.

This alone is worth the price if you ask me. As I said, you will run into problems, and having a team (community) next to you to lend a helping hand is truly remarkable.

helping up a hill

A Great Place To Start

If you want to start your website or blog, this is the best place to start.

Maybe you have tried to create a blog, but it didn’t go anywhere.

Then give Wealthy Affiliate a try. You will be blown away by how easy it is.

You could buy your domain, get hosting from another company, and then try and figure out how to make it all work together. Or you can have everything in one place, Wealthy Affiliate.

Better yet, you can set up a website in 60 seconds with Wealthy Affiliate (I’ll show you how in another post)!

It’s a simple equation: combine all the benefits, a community of like-minded people, and a free price tag, and you equal an AMAZING OPPORTUNITY!

You might wonder how I’m writing this and speaking to you. I was still on the fence after finding Wealthy Affiliate for a few months.

After I decided to go ALL-IN, I saw how amazing this is!

I Started By Setting Up My Free Site & You Should Too!

I can go on about everything, but you won’t know unless you try. So here are the next steps you need to do:

  1. Sing up for the free trial
  2. Complete the first training modules (remember to learn, take notes, and ask questions when they come up)
  3. After the training, genuinely consider signing up for the premium membership (I’ll even offer you a bonus so you can try premium for a discounted rate)!
  4. Thank me after you become a member, as you, too, will see all the benefits and have your website online!


Wealthy Affiliate Final Thoughts

If you skipped reading the conclusion, I want to get this out of the way. Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam.

I’ve been a member for many years and continue to stay.

Since becoming a member, they have rolled out new features and training, and I continue to learn new things.

Wealthy Affiliate has been the best investment I’ve made in myself to date!

Between amazing customer service, a fantastic community, extra training, and the best sight support you have. It’s a no-brainer to give them a try. Oh, add the lowest price, and you have a lot of power for a low price.

For fun, I priced out hosting a website for a year and found that Wealthy Affiliate was the same as or under other services. But you don’t get all the added support, training, or amazing community.

Just one final word of advice: Start with one site.

That is one thing I didn’t do. I was so excited that I created a few websites and got overwhelmed.

You can complete the training courses in about a week depending on your time.

You will have a website and content and feel a sense of accomplishment!

I know you will be glad you got this service, and feel free to contact me if you have questions. If I don’t know the answer, I will find someone that does. It’s an amazing community, and I cannot wait to welcome you!

more and more

But Wait, There’s More!

There is just something about getting a bonus that makes you feel happy.

Like when the toy fell out of the cereal box and into your bowl (assuming you didn’t cheat and look for it or open the box upside down), but I digress.

If you decide to create your FREE Starter Account, you will also get a special offer as a bonus.

It will be a discount of over 50% to try out the PREMIUM membership. This will arrive within the first seven days of setting up your starter account.

Again, a reminder that your Starter Membership is FREE!
It’s time to invest in yourself and give this amazing community a try for yourself!
Click the image below NOW!
Freelance Content Writer

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