
Eric is a former cop turned freelance writer! Life's too short for dull moments, so Eric's on a mission to turn every day into a mini adventure. Whether celebrating the small wins or diving headfirst into passions, he's your go-to guy for adding a splash of fun to the everyday grind. Join Eric in making life one epic party at a time!

Why Starting a Business Takes Time, But Is Totally Worth It

Starting a Business is Worth It

Starting a business can be a daunting task, but it can be an incredibly rewarding experience with the proper planning and execution. Then, there is also the ongoing work of running your business. You cannot just set it up and expect it to work. To start, because we have been getting questions about it, we will share what worked for us! If you are wondering, Where do you start? How do you find...

Escaping The 9 to 5 Job – Remote Work


Welcome to 2024! I am hopeful this year will be better than the last few. It can’t get any worse, can it? Wait, I didn’t ask that and didn’t answer it either. With a new year, now is the time to start a new you! Or a new business! I have done writing challenges in the past, but instead of a set time frame, like 30 days, my goal is to write 500 words daily. What goals do you have...

Are You Trying to Do Too Much? It’s Time for a Change

Are You Trying to Do Too Much

For many, taking on too much in life can feel like it’s time for a change. But is it? Some experts say feeling overwhelmed and stressed out signifies you’re not taking enough time. And I would agree. I think it’s simple to say when you can balance your time between work, family, and social activities without feeling overwhelmed. You’ll be happier and more productive...

Unlock the Power of Writing Faster: WordHero for Freelancers


Did you know there are many other AIs out there? Most of us have heard of ChatGPT, but there are many others we can utilize. AI has made some incredible improvements. It will be interesting to see where it all goes. Assuming it won’t become Skynet! The one we are going to focus on today is called WordHero. I have been using WordHero for a little over a year now, and I have to say that I...

The Great Content Debate: Freelance Writer vs. ChatGPT – Which is better?

Girl looking at an AI

Recently I have received a few questions regarding why they should hire me for a writing gig when there is AI writing software such as ChatGPT. As we all know, using AI, such as ChatGPT, has become a huge debate in the writing community. So let’s get to it. As a special note, I will include some samples from ChatGPT about this topic.   Freelance writers have long been valued for their...

Black Rifle Coffee Review – Maybe The Best Cup Ever!


If you love coffee as much as I do, you will want to read this review about the Black Rifle Coffee Company. I’ve been hunting for a good cup of joe for a while now. I’ve tried everything from store-bought to local coffee shops and even purchasing directly from businesses online. It wasn’t until 2019 that I tried my first cup of coffee I will be talking about. If you are short on...

The Best Kept Secret For Sleeping Better

The Best Kept Secret For Sleeping Better

You clicked on this because you are interested in what my solution is. But first, I want to know a little about you. You might have neck pain from an old injury or a car accident, or maybe you have just been rough on your body. I have a few questions for you Do you wake up with neck pain day after day? Have you tried everything to eliminate your neck pain and think you can do nothing? Maybe you...

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Sample Post (Coffee Review)


— This is a placeholder that will be a writing sample — But if you want to check out my latest blog content, CLICK HERE! Your Favorite Coffee Since you are already here, why don’t you leave me a comment below about your favorite coffee? You can type its name or share what specific store or beans are your favorites. I have been to Paris and had some amazing cappuccinos, but sadly...


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I am looking to gain more experience by writing great content for your website.

Let’s Connect if you’re interested in hiring a freelance writer for your blog or business.

Eric ai selfie at sunrise
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